Updates, New Content and News

Hello, this is an easy to find area to find the latest content in every category. Every week when I post new stories, I will also update this page so you can find what has come out most recently. I hope this is an easy way for you to navigate through my site. Even I can get lost in which stories are new this week and which stories came out a week ago. This will also give you a way to comment and connect with me on new content as I will be having a comments section on each of these posts. Feel free to look around and enjoy!

Patrick Hager Patrick Hager

Updates for Feb 28th, 2021

It all begins with an idea.

Hello, there is new content for the Aesop’s Fables. Five newly recorded Fables The Fox and the Lion, The Frogs Desiring a King, The Hart in the Ox-Stall, The Mountains in Labour, The Serpent and the File. Links to these can be found below.

Hope you enjoy the addition of these fables! Thanks for listening!

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Patrick Hager Patrick Hager

Updates for Feb 21st, 2021

It all begins with an idea.

Hello, there is new content for the Aesop’s Fables. Five newly recorded Fables The Fox and the Cat, The Hares and the Frogs, The Wolf and the Kid, The Wolf and the Lamb, The Woodman and the Serpent. Links to these can be found below.

Just new Aesop’s Fables this week. There’s another sneak preview of Patrick’s Dinos though!

If you would like to leave a comment on these updates, you can comment as a guest by putting something in the name field after you type out your comment and push the comment button. Then you can click the button that says ‘comment as guest’ and you don’t need to leave an email or URL. Sorry if you have tried commenting in the past and it didn’t work! Hope you’re enjoying my site!

Dino wants an apple - by Patrick Hager

Dino wants an apple - by Patrick Hager

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Patrick Hager Patrick Hager

Updates for Feb 14th, 2021

It all begins with an idea.

Hello, there is new content for the Aesop’s Fables. Five newly recorded Fables The Fisher, The Man and the Wooden God, The Peacock and Juno, The Shepherd’s Boy, The Sick Lion. Links to these can be found below.

Coming soon: Patrick’s Dinos

Follow me to Patrick’s Dinos page. Fun adventures are coming soon!

Follow me to Patrick’s Dinos page. Fun adventures are coming soon!

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Patrick Hager Patrick Hager

Updates for Feb 7th, 2021

Updates and new content added Feb 7th, 2021

Hello, there is new content for the Aesop’s Fables. Five newly recorded Fables The Dog and the Manger, The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Frog and the Ox, The Swallow and the Other Birds, and The Jay and the Peacock. Links to these can be found below.

This page is a new update. New updates will be posted weekly. Leave a comment below to let me know what you think about the site and any other feedback you’d like to give! It would really help me gauge my audience and help me improve.

Thanks for listening!

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